Useful tools

If you are using Apache Kafka for your data streaming needs, there are a couple of useful tools that can assist you in managing and monitoring your Kafka clusters.

Kafka UI

One such tool is Kafka UI. Kafka UI provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily navigate and interact with your Kafka topics, partitions, and consumer groups. With Kafka UI, you can view real-time metrics, monitor message consumption, and perform administrative tasks such as creating topics and managing consumer offsets. It simplifies the management of Kafka clusters and makes it easier for you to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Learn more about Kafka UI here.

LinkedIn's Cruise Control

Another powerful tool for managing and optimizing Kafka clusters is LinkedIn's Cruise Control. This tool is specifically designed for use with Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK). Cruise Control automates capacity planning, workload rebalancing, and performance optimization. It offers features like automatic workload and partition rebalancing, anomaly detection, and self-healing capabilities. By using Cruise Control, you can effectively manage and monitor your Kafka clusters for optimal performance and reliability.

For more information on how to use LinkedIn's Cruise Control for Apache Kafka with Amazon MSK, refer to the official documentation.

Last updated